The role of local muscle flaps in the prevention of groin vascular wound complications /
دور السدائل العضلية فى الوقاية من مضاعفات جروح المنطقة الإربية بعد جراحات إعادة بناء الشرايين
Diaa Aldin Sayed Ibrahim ; Supervised Ashraf Mohamed Hedayet , Usama Saeed Emam , Ahmed Mohamed Hashem
- Cairo : Diaa Aldin Sayed Ibrahim , 2010
- 150P.: facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of General Surgery
Bckground : To report the use of the sartorius muscle in the preemptive coverage of vascular bypass grafts in selected patients with high risk groins . Further study with a control group and longer follow-up is necessary to closely examine the role of the technique in preemptive control of graft sepsis in selected patients with high risk groin
High risk groin Sartorius Vascular grafts infection