Evaluation of serum osteoprotegerin and fetuin A in patients with chronic kidney disease /
تقييم مستوى الفيتوين والاوستيوبرتوجيرين فى مصل مرضى الاعتلال الكلوى المزمن
Khaled Mabrouk Mohamed ; Supervised Iris Guirguis Nessim , Amal Abdelwahab , Hanan Ali Madani
- Cairo : Khaled Mabrouk Mohamed , 2010
- 103P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Clinical and Chemical Pathology
Cardiac complication are the major complication of end - stage renal disease . Although traditional risk factors such as diabetes mellitus hypertension are prevalent in end stage renal disease they are not sufficient to account for the high prevalence of cardiovascular mortality thus the search for other non traditional risk factors (such as fetuin A and osteoprotegrin) are potential new risk factors and provide evidence for using this inhibitors as surrogate markers for early recognition and early prevention and treatment of cardiovascular complications in patients with chronic renal diseases