Sally Mohamed Elsayed Abdellatif

Pharmacognostical studyies on certain medicinal plants and / or natural products with reported antifertility action / دراسة عقاقيرية لبعض النباتات الطبية و/ او المنتجات الطبيعية ذات التأثير المضاد للخصوبة Sally Mohamed Elsayed Abdellatif ; Supervised Mohamed S. Hifnawy , Shadia M. Azzam , Iman B. Shaheed - Cairo : Sally Mohamed Elsayed Abdellatif , 2010 - 264P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Pharmacy - Department of Pharmacognosy

In the couse of the continuos search by pharmacognosists for effective contraceptive drugs of natural origin we studied the antifertility activity of four drugs of reputer antifertility activity viz . Dactylopius coccus costa (Dactylopidae) female insects Hibiscus rosa - sinensis Linn (Malvaceae) flower Piper longum Linn

Anti - implantation activity Antifertility activity Uterotonic activity