The effectiveness of using vocabulary autonomous language learning strategies in improving vocabulary acquisition and reading comprehension of second - year students , general secondary school /
فعالية استخدام استراتيجيات تعلم المفردات ذاتيا فى تنمية الحصيلة اللغوية وتحسين الفهم القرائى لطلاب الصف الثانى الثانوى العام
Gamal Abd El nasser Hassan ; Supervised Naema Muhammed Eid , Ali Hussein Hassan
- Cairo : Gamal Abd El nasser Hassan , 2005
- 266P : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Institute Of Educational Research - Department Of Curriculum and Methods Of Teaching
This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of training the second - year students of the general secondary school to use some autonomous semantic - based vocabulary learning strategies (VLSs) in improving their vocabulary acquisition , retention , and retrieval and in increasing their reading comprehension
autonomous language general secondary school learning strategies