Rania Srag Eldin Sayed

Association of factor V leiden and prothrombin gene mutations with thrombotic risk in patients with sickle cell anemia / العلاقة بين التحور الجينى لعامل التجلط الخامس و البروثروبين و احتمال التجلط فى مرضى الانيميا المنجلية Rania Srag Eldin Sayed ; Supervised Mona Salah Eldin Hamdy , Heba Mahmoud Gouda , Iman Abdelmohsen Abdu Shaheen - Cairo : Rania Srag Eldin Sayed , 2010 - 112P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Clinical and Chemical Pathology

Sickle cell disease ( SCD ) is a group of genetic disorders of hemoglobin that causes multisystem morbidity and an increased risk of early death . Vascular complications are an important aspect of sick cell anemia although there is controversial evidence surrounding the role of thrombosis in the complication . Among the crucial inherited risk factors are factor V Leiden ( G1619A ) and prothrombin gene G20210A mutations

Factor V Leiden Prothrombin gene mutation Sickle cell disease