Cardiovascular morbidity among yputh : Eterminants and impact on health related quality of life /
أمراض القلب و الأوعية الدمويه بين الشباب : المحددات و آثارها على نوعية الحياه المرتبطة بالصحه
Salwa Mohamed Hassan Ali ; Supervised Madiha Said Mohamed Abdelrazik , Mona Ibrahim Ellawindi , Hanan Abdelghani Elraghi
- Cairo : Salwa Mohamed Hassan Ali , 2010
- 181 P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Community Medicine
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are among the most prevalent and preventable of all health problems, resulting in decreased quality of life for millions of people. Unfortunately, developing countries suffer the most. As for Egypt, CVD, particularly rheumatic heart disease is a significant health problem. Youth represent a priority group