Diagnostic hysteroscopy versus transvginal echographty in perimenopausal uterine bleeding patients /
مقارنة بين تنظير الرحم التشخيصى وتخطيط الصدى المهلبى فى حالات النزيف الرحمى ما حول سن اليأس
Wael Saad Saad Elbanna ; Supervised Mohamed Zayed , Hassan Omar , Nadin Alaa
- Cairo : Wael Saad Saad Elbanna , 2010
- 204P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Up to 20% of office visits to gynecologist are for abnormal uterine bleeding (Goldstien et al , 1997) . The causes of abnormal uterine bleeding are diverse and differentiating whether the source is the result of ovulation or anatomic lesions can be challenging (Williams and Marshburn 1998) . Abnormal uterine bleeding is considered a major event in premenopausal and postmenopausal; women as it is the most common symptom of endometrial carcinoma in this period
Abnormal uterine bleeding History of hysteroscopy Transvaginal ultrasound