Rehab Farouk Mohammed Ali

Use of sunflower oil mixed with jojoba and paraffin oils in deep - fat frying process / استخدام زيت عباد الشمس المخلوط بزيوت الجوجوبا والبرافين فى عملية القلى Rehab Farouk Mohammed Ali ; Supervised Radwan Sedky Farag , Mostafa Mohammed Farag - Cairo : Rehab Farouk Mohammed Ali , 2007 - 121P. : facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Agriculture - Department Of Biochemistry

The aim of the present study was to increase the stability of sunflower oil during frying process and to obtain low calorie fried foods.Therefore , sunflower oil was mixed separately with jojoba oil and paraffin oil at ratios of 9 : 1 and 8 : 2 , (v / v)

Jojoba oil Nutritional Paraffin oil frying Sunflower oil