Design and construction of diode pumped Nd : YAG laser in LIDAR applications /
بناء وتصميم ليزر النيوديميوم - ياج لتطبيقات الليدار باستخدام الضخ الضوئى لليزر الصمام الثنائى
Sameh Mohamed Mohamed Mokthar Helaly ; Supervised Salah Hasab Elnaby , Adel Moharam Elnozahy , Arafa Kamal Kassem
- Cairo : Sameh Mohamed Mohamed Mokthar Helaly , 2010
- 118P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - National Institute of Laser Enhanced Sciences - Department of Laser Application in Environmental Metrolofy ,Photochemistry and Agricultural
Nd : YAG is a promising solid - state laser active medium that can be pumped by a high power diode laser . Diode pumped soild - state laser systems are found in many applications that require compact size and efficient operation . This thesis aims to design a reliable laser system emitting radiation at 1064nm with high output efficiency and frequency stability to use it in lidar applications , thereby using a high power diode laser module as a pumping source to the Nd : YAG crystal instead of other traditional pumping techniques , via a single end pumped configuration system