Doaa Ahmed Hosny

Surgical anatomy of the hepatic artery in living donor liver transplantation / التشريح الجراحى لشريان الكبد فى حالات نقل الكبد من متبرع حى Doaa Ahmed Hosny ; Supervised Adel Ahmed Hoany , Ayman Salah Eldin Helmy , Yehia Mohammed Safwat - Cairo : Doaa Ahmed Hosny , 2007 - 152P. : ill. ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of General Surgery

The dramatic increase in the number of transplant procedures exhausting the organ donor pool triggered a shift to living donors as a source of viable hepatocytes.In Egypt the important of LDLT is further emphasized by the vast number of patients suffering from chronic liver disease acquiring almost endemic proportions and the unavailability of cadaveric organs

Anatomy variants of the hepatic artery Liver transplantation Surgical anatomy of the hepatic artery