Mohamed Ali Mohamed Ibrahem Zayed

Studies on meat quality of some camel breeds in Egypt / دراسات على جودة اللحم لبعض سلالات الابل فى مصر Mohamed Ali Mohamed Ibrahem Zayed ; Supervised Mohamed Ali Ibrahim Salem , Ahmed Saad Sami , Mohamed Farag Shehata - Cairo : Mohamed Ali Mohamed Ibrahem Zayed , 2011 - 81 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Animal Production

Six growing one - humped male camels (3 maghrabi and 3 Sudani) were used to study their meat quantity and quality in terms of carcass traits , plysical properties and chemical composition of camel meat under Egyptian conditions . No significant difference between Sudan and Maghrabi camels was recorded in dressing out percentage without hump (59.81 ps 59.26%)

Body measurements Dressing percentage One - humped camel breeds