Rasha Refaat Abdellatief

Phytochemical and biological studies of chorisia crispiflora suaeda maritima and brachiaria reptans / دراسات فيتوكيميائية وبيولوجية لنباتات شوريزيا كريسبيفلوراوسويدا ماريتيما وبراكياريا ربتانز Rasha Refaat Abdellatief ; Supervised Ahmed M. Farag , Ragaa M. A. Mansour - Cairo : Rasha Refaat Abdellatief , 2010 - 216 P. : charts ; facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Organic Chemistry

Three selected species of plants namely "Chorisia crispiflora Suaeda maritima and Brachiaria reptans" belonging to three different families (Bommbacaceae , Chenopodiaceae and Gramineae ) respectively were studied from the chemical and biological point of view . The chemical part included the preliminary phytochemical screening for the three species and the study of flavonoids and phenolics present

Brachiaria reptans Chorisia crispiflora Suaeda maritima