Concetration of ferritin transferrin and iron as markers of iron deficiency in healthy womenin reproductive age /
تركيز كل من المركب العضوى للحديد : المادة الناقلة اعنصر الحديد والحديد كدلائل على نقص الحديد فى السيدات الاصحاء خلال فترة الانجاب
Hala Ahmed Fouad Ferwiz ; Supervised Manal Elhuseiny Abufarha , Hala Mahmoud Abdelhamid , Lila Ahmed Rashid
- Cairo : Hala Ahmed Fouad Ferwiz , 2011
- 150 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Internal Medicine
Iron deficiency affects up to 30% of the world's population with prevalence in developed countries of about 8% it occurs in up to 14% premenopausal women in developed countries it occurs during pregnancy in 23% of pregnant women in developed countries 25% of pregnant women in developing countries