Safy Eldin Mahmoud Aboali

Soft tissue tightness control : A combined physical therapy technique / التحكم فى الانسجة الرخوة المشدودة: برنامج علاج طبيعى مدموج Safy Eldin Mahmoud Aboali ; Supervised Emam H. Elnegmy , Faten H. Abdelazeim , Amina Salem Hendawy - Cairo : Safy Eldin Mahmoud Aboali , 2011 - 158 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Physical Therapy - Department of Growth and Development Disorders in Pediatrics

Contractures and soft tissues tightness in hemiplegic cerebral palsy children are common complications of neurological and musculoskeletal origins . Stretch is widely used for prevention and management of contractures . The purpose of this study was to introduce a combined stretch program and determine whether it is more effective than traditional physical therapy program alone on soft tissues tightness control hemstring mulscles of the affected side in hemiparetic children

Cerebral palsy Hemiplegia Stretching