Pattern of skin diseases among preschool and primary school children in dermatology Damietta hospital /
نمط الامراض الجلدية بين الاطفال فى سن ما قبل الدراسة وفى سن المرحلة الابتدائية فى مستشفى الامراض الجلدية بدمياط
Eman Mansour Rezk ; Supervised Samia Mohammed Essmat , Omar Soliman Elsafoury , Ghada Mohammed Elhanafi
- Cairo : Eman Mansour Rezk , 2011
- 201 P. : charts , maps ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Dermatology and Venerology
Objective : To determine the pattern of skin diseases among preschool and primary school children in Damieta hospital for Dermatology and Venerology . The influence of socioecnomic status and hygiene behavior was assessed . Infections skin diseases represent a large proportion of the analyzed cases probably reflecting the low socioecnomic status and hygiene behavior was assessed