Phytochemical and biological study of the volatile oil of certain plants grown in Libya and used in aromatherapy /
دراسة فيتوكيميائية وبيولوجية للزيوت الطيارة لبعض النباتات التى تنمو فى ليبيا والمستخدمة فى العلاج بالعطور
Fatema Abdelsalam Elshibany ; Supervised Seham S. Elhawary , Abdelrahman O. Elshabrawy , Shahira M. Ezzat
- Cairo : Fatema Abdelsalam Elshibany , 2011
- 262 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Pharmacy - Department of Pharmacognosy
The phytochemical screening of ajuga iva (L.) schreb marrubium vulgare (L.) rosmarinus officinalis (L.) thymus capitatus (L.) hoffmann's . et link (family lamiaceae) haplophylum tuberculatum (forssk), A. juss (family rutaceae), pituronthous tortuosus desf ; benth and hook (family apiaceae) revealed the presence of volatile constituents in their aerial parts the plants for this research containing a different distinct groups of essential oils which identified qualitatively