Study of some factors and treatments related to floral bud induction of some olive cultivars /
دراسة بعض العوامل والمعاملات المصاحبة للدفع الزهرى للبراعم فى بعض اصناف الزيتون
Atef Yakoub Haleem Yakoub ; Supervised Goerge Ramzy Stino , Ramzy Goerge Stino , Ibrahim Elshenawy Ghonaim
- Cairo : Atef Yakoub Haleem Yakoub , 2011
- 142 P. : 25cm acsimiles ;
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Pomology
This study was conducted during the 2006 - 2007 and 2007 - 2008 seasons on trees of olive picual and manzanillo grown in a private orchard at Rafah North Sinai . This investigation comprised two experiments first experiments was designed to determine the induction period anatomically and by using leaf defoliation and study changes in endogenous content related to it in leaf and bud