Role of microsurgery in reconstrction of the soft tissue and osseous framework of the face /
دورالجراحة الميكروسكوبيه فى اعادة بناء الانسجة الرخوه والهيكل العظمى للوجه
Khaled Sadek Ali Wali Eldin ; Supervised Taher Ismail , Maamoun Ismail , Tarik A. Amer
- Cairo : Khaled Sadek Ali Wali Eldin , 2011
- 242 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of General Surgery
Microvascular free tissue transfer became the gold standard option in reconstruction of soft tissue and bone defects in the face lost in severe trauma extensive burn malignant tumor ablation or even reconstruction animation in cases of facical nerve injury . Free flap allow the transfer of ample tissue of any kind bone muscle or skin in order to restore the lost function and cosmesis of the face
Free flap in the face Osseous reconstruction of the face Soft tissue reconstruction of the face