Preparation of surfactants based on chitin and chitosan and their applications in petroleum industry /
تحضير مواد ذات نشاط سطحى مشتقة من الكيتين والكيتوزان وتطبيقاتها فى صناعة البترول
Rania Elsayed Ali Morsi ; Supervised Maher Zaki Elsabee , Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Alsabagh , Yasser Mohamed Moustafa
- Cairo : Rania Elsayed Ali Morsi , 2011
- 142 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Physical Chemistry
This work deals with the extraction of the natural polymer chitin from local sources and its deacetylation into chitosan , a more useful soluble polymer . Chitosan was found to be inactive at interfaces but hydrophobic modification using different aliphatic and aromatic substituents rendered the various products into surface active polymers