Evolution of the motion around a rotating body /
تطور الحركة حول جسم بطئ الدوران
Wesam Mohmmed Kamel ; Supervised Mostafa Kamal Ahmed , Mervat Elsayed Awaad , Hayman Zain Alabedeen Metwaly
- Cairo : Wesam Mohmmed Kamel , 2011
- 69 P. ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Astronomy and Meteorology
The present thesis deals with the motion of a close satellite about a slowly rotating planet with an earth-like potential. The potential harmonics included are the leading zonal and tesseral harmonics. The canonical equations are formed in terms of the delaunay variables and then solved using Lie-Deprit-Kamal transform using the rotation rate (ơ 1) of the planet as the small parameter of the first order, and retaining terms up to ơ⁴
Artificial satellite theory geopotential Perturbation methods Space dynamics