Hesham Mohammed Mohammed Alkassar

Serum gamma glutamyl transferase (G.G.T) in patients with acute ischemic stroke / نسبة الجاما جلوتاميل ترانسفيراز (G.G.T) في الدم لمرضي الجلطة الدماغية الحادة Hesham Mohammed Mohammed Alkassar ; Supervised Ebtissam Zakaria , Mahmoud Mahfouz , Ahmed Khairy - Cairo : Hesham Mohammed Mohammed Alkassar , 2011 - 104 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Internal Medicine

It was concluded that there is statistically significant correlation between the mean serum GGT and the acute ischemic stroke and is severity

Acute ischemic stroke GGT NIH stroke scale