A rapid immunodiagnosis of active schistosomiasis mansoni using monoclonal antibody - based dot immunogold /
تشخيص مناعى سريع للبلهارسيا المعوية النشطة باستخدام ترشيح الذهب المناعى النقطى القائم على الأجسام المضادة أحادية التجمع
Rabab Salem Ali Hamad ; Supervised Faiza M. Elassal , Wafaa A. Mansour , Magda M. Elmahdi
- Cairo : Rabab Salem Ali Hamad , 2011
- 123 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Zoology
Dot - immunogold filtration assay ( DIGFA ) is a simple and rapid technique that was used in the present study for the rapid delection of antigenaemia in the sera of schistosomiasis patients , using a pair of monoclonal antibodies . Sandwich - ELISA technique , dot - ELISA and dipstick ELISA were used in comparison with the DIGFA to evaluate its sensitivity and specificity