Spectrophotometric and potentiometric determination of carbamazepine , mosapride citrate and chlorpromazine hydrochloride /
التقدير الطيفى والجهدى للكاربامازيبين وسيترات الموزابريد هيدروكلوريد الكلوروبرومازيين
Sally Elsayed Ahmed Elashery; Supervised Mohamed Abdelgawad Zayed , Mohamed Mohamed Omar , Eman Yossri Zaki
- Cairo : Sally Elsayed Ahmed Elashery , 2011
- 143 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Analytical Chemistry
This work has been carried out to investigate : Spectrophotometric determination of carbamazepine (CBZ) drug in pure and in pharmaceutical preparations through the ion- pair formation reaction with Mo (V) - thiocyanate binary complex . Spectrophotometric determination of mosapride citrate (MOC) via charge transfer complex formation between MOC (electron donor) and DDQ ( - acceptor) reagent
Carbamazepine and mosapride citrate Charge transfer Ion- pair formation