Heterosis and combining ability for forage yield components in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucumL.) /
قوة الهجين والقدرة على التألف لمكونات محصول العلف فى الدخن الحولى
Fouz Fotouh Mohamad Aboelenen ; Supervised Adel Abdelmoniem Hoballah , Mohamed Ibrahem Masri , Mohamed Abozed Elnahrawy
- Cairo : Fouz Fotouh Mohamed Aboelenen , 2011
- 110 P. : 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Agronomy
Ten pollen parents of pearl millet were crossed with four male - sterile lines using line x tester mating design . The fourteen parents 40 F₁'s and F₂ 's were grown to evaluate heterosis and combining ability in F₁ generation as well as inbreeding depression in F₁ generation for forage yield and its related traits
General combining ability Heterobeltiosis Pearl millet (pennisetum glaucum)