Applications of laser and ultrasonic techniques in the cleaning of metal threads : Applied on a selected object /
تطبيقات الليرز والموجات فوق الصوتية فى تنظيف الخيوط المعدنية : تطبيقا على احد النماذج المختارة
Fatmaa Elzahraa Sadat Mohamed Khayaal ; Supervised Wafaa Anwar Mohamed Soliman , Mai Mohamed Rifaai , Mahmuod Sayed Morsi
- Cairo : Fatmaa Elzahraa Sadat Mohamed Khayaal , 2011
- 305 P. : facsimiles ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Archaeology - Department of Conservation
This present work deals with testing and application of innovated non - destructive cleaning tecniques for the cleaning of a delicate category of historical composite artifacts . As gilded metal threads which involved for embroidery purpose appeared to be of significant value and importance and highly correlated to the richly - noble classes through the history due to the nobility and beauty of gold