Effect of planting date and plant density on growth and yieild of some faba bean varieties /
تأثير ميعاد الزراعة و الكثافة النباتية علي نمو و انتاجية بعض أصناف الفول البلدي
Ramadan Abdelwahed Badawy ; Supervised Nabil Ali Khalil , Wageih Abdelazeem Elmurshedy , Maamoun Omar Khaiti
- Cairo : Ramadan Abdelwahed Badawy , 2011
- 75 P. ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Agronomy
The objectives of this research were to find out the best planting date and to determine the optimum plant density for two varieties. A spilt-split plot design in a randomized block arrangement was used. The main plot was devoted to the planting dates. Sub-plots were allocated to the varieties, while, sub-sub plots to the plant densities