Steady state and dynamic modeling of perforated plate extractive reactors /
النمذجة الإستاتية والدينامية لمفاعلات الاستخلاص ذات الصوانى المثقبة
Amira Khaled Anwar Aboelata ; Supervised Mahmoud A. Elrifai , Reem S. Ettouney , Ayat Osama Ghalab
- Cairo : Amira Khaled Anwar Aboelata , 2011
- 106 P. : charts ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Chemical Engineering
This thesis presents an analysis of the steady state and dynamic behaviour of perforated plate liquid - liquid extraction columns conducting an infinitely fast chemical reaction taking place at the interface of between the two phases . The extraction of HC1from an organic phase consisting essentially of benzene using an aqueous solution of NaOH is used as a vehicle to illustrate the steady state and dynamic behaviour of the system
Extraction columns Infinitely fast chemical reactions Perforated plates