Development of the emerqency room patient record in theodor bilharz research institute hospital /
تطوير السجل الطبى للمرضى بغرفة الطوارئ بمستشفى معهد تيودور بلهارس للابحاث
Moaz Abdelwadoud Abdelmawgoud Khiamy ; Supervised Mona Ibrahim Ellawendi , Afaf H. Abdelhamid Elayyat , Mouchira Amin Zayed
- Cairo : Moaz Abdelwadoud Abdelmawgoud Khiamy , 2011
- 154 P. : 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine. - Department of Community Medicine
Emerqency room provides immediate care to sustain life or to prevent critical consequences . Emerqency room patient record should docment the process of evaluation management medical decision making and disposition of a patients . The emerqency room from design should be standardized to assist in the efficient gathering of data and dissemination of information