Mostafa Mohamed Mostafa

Estimation of serum MCP-1 level and GSTM1 gene polymorphism in Egyptian women with endometriosis / فى السيدات المصريات المصابات بداء بطانة الرحم الهاجرة GSTMI في المصل و تعدد أشكال الجين MCP-1 تقدير مستوى Mostafa Mohamed Mostafa ; Supervised Dawlat A. Salem , Mahmoud E. Salem , Eman M. Obaia - Cairo : Mostafa Mohamed Mostafa , 2011 - 188 P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Biochemistry-Medical

Endometriosis is one of the most common benign gynaecological diseases, causing pain and infertility in women of reproductive age. Currently, the gold standard to diagnose endometriosis is visualization by laparoscopy. Our aim was to evaluate serum MCP-1, CA125 and CA19-9 as non-invasive markers and to assess the impact of GSTM1 gene polymorphisms on risk of endometriosis in Egyptian women

Endometriosis GSTM1 MCP-1