Mohamed Salah Eldin Ahmed Abdelaziz

An artificial intelligence based approach for high impendence fualts analysis in distribution systems using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference systems / تحليل الاعطال الناجمة عن المعاوقات الكبيرة فى شبكات التوزيع باستخدام النظام الاستنتاجى للمنطق المشوش العصبى المتكيف Mohamed Salah Eldin Ahmed Abdelaziz ; Supervised Essam Abouelzahab , M.A. Moustafa Hassan - Cairo : Mohamed Salah Eldin Ahmed Abdelaziz , 2011 - 83 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 30cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Electrical Power and Machines

In this research the application of adaptive Neuro - Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) for protection of distribution systems is introduced . The ANFIS can be viewed as a fuzzy system a neural network or fuzzy neural network . The objective of this research is firstly to detect the high impendence fualt occurrence secondly to classify the fault type and deduce if it is single line to ground double lines to ground triple lines to ground or line to line

Adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system Discrete fourier transform High impendence fualts