Colour doppler versus computed tomography in evaluation of cervical lymph nodes in patients with laryngeal and hypopharyngeal carcinomas /
مقارنة بين الدوبلر الملون و الأشعة المقطعية فى تقييم الغدد الليمفاوية بالرقبة فى مرضى سرطان الحنجرة و البلعوم الحنجرى
Moustafa Ahmed Adel Abdelbadie ; Supervised Tarek Mohamed Kamel , Mohamed Fayek Mohamed Ibrahim , Mohamed Anwar Abdelhamed
- Cairo : Moustafa Ahmed Adel Abdelbadie , 2011
- 138 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of E.N.T
The present study was designed to compare between colour doppler and computed tomography in evaluation of cervical lymph nodes in patients with laryngeal and hypopharyngeal carcinomas. This study included thirty patients with known primary laryngeal and/or hypopharyngeal carcinomas with non palpable (N0) or palpable lymph nodes who were referred to the department of Otorhinolaryngology, Kasr Elaini Hospital from August 2009 to April 2011. The material consisted of 24 men and 6 women, their age ranged from 34-72 years