Iron deficiency anemia among pregnant women in Gaze strip: Impact of education program /
أنيميا عوز الحديد عند النساء الحوامل فى قطاع غزة : أثر برنامج تعليمى
Ali Hassan Elkhateeb ; Supervised Effat M. Elkarmalawy , Shadia A. Elkader
- Cairo : Ali Hassan Elkhateeb , 2011
- 197 Leaves; 30cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Nursing - Department of Community Health Nursing
Iron deficiency anemia ( IDA ) is still considered the most common nutritional deficiency worldwide . It is considered a major health problem affecting 35.7 % of pregnant women in Gaza Strip ( GS ) . To examine the impact of educational program in reducing the prevalence of IDA among pregnant women in GS
Birth weight Gestational age Iron deficiency anemia