Studying antioxidants effect on cytogenetic manifestations of solvent exposure in paint industry /
دراسة تأثير مضادات الاكسدة على التغيرات الخلوية الوراثية نتيجة للتعرض للمذيبات فى صناعة الطلاء
Amir Mohamed Ahmed Elshahawy ; Supervised Amal Mohamed Kamal Elsafty , Fateheya Mohamed Metwally , Aisha Mohamed Samir
- Cairo : Amir Mohamed Ahmed Elshahawy , 2011
- 127 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine. - Department of Industrial Medicine and Occupational disease
The use of solvents in paint industry entails different health hazards to the workers . One of the most important hazards is the cytogenetic changes that can lead into cancer on the long term . This study aimed at minmizing the gap in our knowledge concerning the cytogenetic effects due to exposure to mixture of solvents in the paint industry and used an interventional way for minimizing those hazards through the use of antioxidants and studying their protective role