Ahmed Rizk Mohamed
Arthroscopic repair of traumatic anterior shoulder instability using suture anchors /
معالجه اصابات الخلع الامامى لمفصل الكتف بالمنظار واستخدام مثبتات انكور
Ahmed Rizk Mohamed ; Suppervised Ahmed Abd El Aziz Ahmed , Abd El Aziz ElSengairgy , Mohamed Taha ElShiwi
- Cairo : Ahmed Rizk Mohamed , 2005
- 225P : ill ; 25cm
Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery
Recurrent anterior traumatic shoulder instability is a common problem among the active young populationDiagnosis of the exact lesion responsible for instability is crucial for proper management of the conditionThis study includes 40 cases of recurrent traumatic unidirectional instabilitiesAll had Bankart lesion and all were operated upon using suture anchorsTwenty cases with the knotless anchor and 20 cases with knotted anchor , 10 of which was the super anchor and the other 10 with GII anchorsThe age ranged between 18 and 40 years with an average age 21 yearsThe follow up period ranged between 10 and 30 months with an average of 20 months , we applied the modified Rows̀ scale scoring system on the patients of the studyExcellent results 90In hundered persent or more obtained in 22 cases (55In hundered persent) , good results (70 - 89In hundered persent) obtained in 14 cases (35In hundered persent) , fair results (40 - 69In hundered persent) obtained in two cases (5In hundered persent) and two patients (5In hundered persent) were poor (less than 40In hundered persent)