Studies on the electroless deposition of nickel iron zinc phosphorus alloys on copper and evaluation of the resulting coatings /
دراسات على الترسيب اللاكهربي لسبائك النيكل الحديد الخارصين الفوسفور على النحاس و تقييم طبقات الطلاء الناتجة
Mostafa Sayed Abdelmoneim Sayed ; Supervised Mohamed Mahmoud E. A. Hefny , Mohamed Mahmoud Aly Ashour
- Cairo : Mostafa Sayed Abdelmoneim Sayed , 2011
- 129 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Chemistry
During the last decade, a great interest has been directed towards electroless deposition of nickel - phosphorus alloys containing iron and zinc metals. this refers to the importance of these alloys in many applications such as automobile industry , printed circuit boards and magnetic recording disks because they are characterized by excellent mechanical properties such as hardness