Frequency and distribution of different pathogens in acute diarrheal episodes among Egyptian children using a combination of phenotypic and molecular tests /
معدل حدوث وتكرار مسببات المرض المختلفة فى حالالت الاسهال الحاد بين الاطفال المصريين باستخدام مجموعة من الاختبارات الظاهرية والجزيئية
Ayman Mohamed Mohamed Amin ; Supervised Mohamed Emad Eldin Salem , Mortada Elshabrawi , Suzan Elnaghy
- Cairo : Ayman Mohamed Mohamed Amin , 2011
- 166 P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Pediatrics
To identify frequency and distribution of enteropathogens in acute diarrhea this case- control study was conducted in center for social and preventive Medicine Cairo University. Stool samples were obtained from 356 cases and comparable control below 5 years and processed at NAMRU-3 Cairo for microbiology . Resultes pointed to 13% bacterial against 11%being due to rotavirus and 4% du to cryptosporidium