Evaluation of posterior microscopic cervical foraminotomy in management of cervical disc disease /
تقييم التوسيع الميكروسكوبى الجراحى للثقبة الفقرية العنقية من الخلف فى علاج امراض الغضروف العنقى
Ahmed M. Allam ; Supervised Ismel Ibrahim , Nasser Elghandour , Wael Elmahdy
- Cairo : Ahmed Mahmoud Allam , 2012
- 158 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Neurosurgery
This study details assessment of the indications , safety , efficacy and complication of posterior microsopic cervical foraminotomy for treatment of cervical radiculopathy associated with cervical foraminal disc herniation and / or cervical foraminal stenosis of degenerative etiology . A prospective study conducted on 31 patients with unilateral single or double level cervical radiculopathy due to cervical degenerative disc disease confirmed by concordant clinical and radiological data