Clinucal evaluation of growth and puberty in relation to thyroid status and iron overload in multitransfused beta - thalassemia patients /
التقييم الإكلينيكى للنمو والبلوغ وعلاقته بحالة الغدة الدرقية وارتفاع تركيز الحديد فى مرضى أنيميا البحر المتوسط
Mai Mohamed Mohamed Abdelsalam ; Supervised Khaled Mohamed Salama , Ahmed Maher Kaddah , Mohamed Ismail Alkanishy
- Cairo : Mai Mohamed Mohamed Abdelsalam , 2012
- 131P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Pediatrics
Frequent blood transfusion has increased the life expectancy of patients with Ý - thalassemia major , but it causes progressive iron overload causing important oxidative damage , mostly to the heart , liver and endocrine glands . This study aims at clinical evaluation of growth and puberty in multitransfused Egyptian Ý - thalassemia patients and its relation to their thyroid hormones levels , serum feritin level and chelation therapy