Ahmed Sameh Gameel

Effect of left varicocelectomy on right testicular veins / تأثير ربط دوالى الخصية اليسرى على أوردة الخصية اليمنى Ahmed Sameh Gameel ; Supervised Yasser Ibrahim Elkhiat , Ashraf Selim Zeidan - Cairo : Ahmed Sameh Gameel , 2012 - 110 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Dermatology and Venerology

Clinically varicoceles occur most commonly as isolated left sided lesion (75-95%). Although the incidence of varicocele has historically been reported to be approximately 10 %, recent data have indicated bilaterality in 30-80% of cases. The isolated right sided varicocele is uncommon, and causes concem regarding the possibility of an underlying retroperitoneal abnormality

Bilateral varicocele Cross communication Varicocelectomy