Rim Samir Hamdy

Documentary and ethnobotanical studies of floral bouquets and garlands in Egypt since the 18th dynasty (1400B.C.) / دراسة وثائقية وانثولوجية لباقات الازهار والقلائد النباتية فى مصر منذ الاسرة الثامنة عشر (1400 ق.م.) Rim Samir Hamdy ; Supervised M.N.Elhadidi , Ali Mahmoud Radwan , Hasnaa A.Hosni - Cairo : Rim Samir Hamdy , 2003 - 277p : ill ; 30cm

Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Science - Department Of Botany (Physiology)

Bouquets Garlands Morphology