Outcome of patients subjected to injection scerotherapy after failure of endocopic band ligation in acute variceal bleeding /
نتائج عمليات حقن دوالى المرئ فى مرضى نزيف الدوالى الحاد وذلك عند صعوبة عمل ربط الدوالى
Mohamed Abdelsalam Elgohary ; Supervised Gamal Eldin Esmat Mohamed , Bahaa Eldin Abbas Abdelsalam , Iman Mohamed Hamza
- Cairo : Mohamed Abdelsalam Elgohary , 2012
- 179Leaves : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Tropical Medicine
Banding ligation is only more efficient than injection sclerotherapy in controlling variceal bleeding , but also had lower failure rate and higher safety profile ( low rates of both major and minor complication ) . Also, both early and late rebleeding rates is low with ligation ( the latter was not significant ) . Mortality was not different among both groups
Endocopic band ligation Injection sclerotherapy Tropical