Nermin Kamal Abdelwahab Mohamed

Human ear detection from side face images HEARD / الكشف عن الأذن البشرية من صور الوجه الجانبيه Nermin Kamal Abdelwahab Mohamed ; Supervised Magda B. Fayek , Elsayed E. Hemayed - Cairo : Nermin Kamal Abdelwahab Mohamed , 2012 - 85 P. : facsimiles , plans ; 30cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Computer Engineering

The thesis presents an efficient technique for automatic ear detection from side face images. Two new features for ear detection: the first represents elongation and is expressed by the ratio between the boundary's width and height. The second describes compactness and is given by the ratio between the number of pixels composing the boundary's area and the number of pixels composing its perimeter

Biometries Ear detection Skin detection and morphological processing