Serum osteoprotegerin level and the extent of cardiovascular calcification in haemodialysis patients /
مستوى الأستيوبروتوجيرين فى مصل الدم ومدى التكلسات فى القلب والأوعية الدموية فى مرضى الأستقصاء الدموى
Mahmoud Mohamed Mohamed Elnokeety ; Supervised Dawalat Mohamed Belal , Mohamed Mostafa Elkhatib , Amal Rashad Elshehaby
- Cairo : Mahmoud Mohamed Mohamed Elnokeety , 2012
- 174Leaves : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Internal Medicine
This study was performed on 80 Subjects from Kasr Elaini Hospital - Cairo University , Internal Medicine and Nephrology Department and Kasr Elaini Nephrology and dialysis center . The subjects were divided into 2 groups :- Group 1 :- 60 patients CRF on regular hemodialysis more than 3 months with follow up for 2 years . Group 2 : - 20 controls with Age , sex and BMI matched