Ahmed Arafa Elsayed

Management of benign liver cysts and tumors in pediatric age group / علاج الأورام الحميدة والتكيسات الكبدية فى سن الأطفال Ahmed Arafa Elsayed ; Supervised Gamal Hasan Eltagy , Ayman Hussien Abdelsattar - Cairo : Ahmed Arafa Elsayed , 2012 - 166P. : facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of General Surgery

Most of benign liver cysts and tumors in pediatric age group are asymptomatic and require no treatment , for just follow up clinically or by abdominal UIS is enough e.g. simple hepatic cysts . Abdominal U / S is initial diagnostic tool for benign liver cysts and tumors . Abdominal Triphasic CT the gold standard for diagnosis of most of benign liver cysts and tumors . e . g. hemangioma and pyogenic liver abscess

Abdominal U / S Benign liver cysts Hemangioma