Pharmaological study of the effects of certain aphrodisiac agents in male rats /
دراسة دوائية لبعض العوامل المثيرة للرغبة الجنسية فى ذكور الجرذان
Mohammed Abdellatif Saad ; Supervised Helmy Moawad Sayed Ahmed , Hekma A. Abdellatif , Nihad Ibrahim Eid
- Cairo : Mohammed Abdellatif Saad , 2012
- 174 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Pharmacy - Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
In the present experiments , a study of the possible effects of chronic exposure to stress induced by forced immersion in cold water on male rats sexual behavior were conducted with and without treatment with yohimbine , sildenafil , Eruca sativa or Hyphaene thebaica extracts . This was done by using mating tests . Also the mechanisms of these effects were studied by measuring the effects of the previously mentioned treatments on testosterone , FSH and LH levels in blood