Shimaa Abdou Soubh

The value of middle cerebral to umbilical artery pulsatility index ratio in the prediction of adverse neonatal outcome in preeclampsia / قيمة معامل نسبة ذبذبة الشريان المخى الاوسط الى الشريان السرى فى التنبؤ للناتج السئ لحديث الولادة فى ماقبل تسمم الحمل Shimaa Abdou Soubh ; Supervised Mohamed Mahmoud Waly , Abdalla Yahya Elkateb - Cairo : Shimaa Abdou Soubh , 2012 - 260P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Our aim was to assess the accuracy of the Middle cerebral to Umbilical Artery (PI) ratio in predicting fetal out come in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia . We evaluate 75 pregnant women representing clinical forms of preeclampsia . Seventy - five cases with no signs of preeclampsia were accepted as controls . Pulse wave color Doopler with 3.5 MHz probe was used in the assessment of fetal and maternal circulation

Artery pulsatility index Middle cerebral to umbilical Preeclampsia