Lamis Ali Hassan Alyazji

Fracture resistance of different non-metallic core and post systems : Comparative study / مقاومة الكسر للانواع المختلفة من الدعامة واللب الغير معدنى : دراسة مقارنة Lamis Ali Hassan Alyazji ; Supervised Hesham Katamish , Atef Shaker Ibrahim - Cairo : Lamis Ali Hassan Alyazji , 2011 - 81Leaves : charts , facsimiles ; 30cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Prosthodontics

The aim of this study was to compare the fracture resistance of different aesthetic core materials supported by two different non - metallic posts covered with ceramic crowns . Thirty intact maxillary central incisors were selected . The crowns were decoronated 2 mm coronal to the most apical point of the labial CEJ . After root canal therapy , standardized preparation of the coronal portion of the teeth was done using a milling machine

Fracture resistance Glass fiber post Zirconia post