Clinical and laboratory assessment of behavioral , physiological and hormonal neonatal response to procedural pain in NICU /
التقييم الإكلينيكى والمعملى لإستجابة الطفل حديث الولادة للألم من الناحية السلوكية والفسيولوجية والهرمونية فى وحدة الرعاية المركزة لحديثى الولادة
Mohamed Elsayed Mabrouk Abdelhady ; Supervised Manal Elsayed Abdelmeguid , Happy Kayser Dawod , Marianne Fathy Ishak
- Cairo : Mohamed Elsayed Mabrouk Abdelhady , 2012
- 105 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Pediatrics
Background : Infants in NICU are exposed to repeated invasive procedures resulting in acute or chronic pain that may predispose to significant clinical physiologic and psychologic sequelae . Aim : To assess pain response in newborns after endotracheal intubation and umbilical vein catheterization using multidimensional measurements
Behavioral and hormonal indicators of neonatal pain Neonatal pain assessment Physiological