Non - ablative skin resurfacing with 1927 nm thulium: Glass laser /
إعادة تسطيح الجلد باستخدام ليزر الثليوم الزجاجى المجزأ
Mohamed Mongy Adel Kheiralla ; Supervised Sherine Abdallah Sobeih , Dina Metwally Salama
- Cairo : Mohamed Mongy Adel Kheiralla , 2012
- 76P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Dermatology and Venerology
Non - ablative fractional photothermolysis resurfaces skin surface by punching micro-columns of laser beam energy in a fractional manner rather than a solid laser beam . Thulium targets water content in the epidermis and is therefore fit to treat all skin types since it does not target melanin. Thulium glass laser is FDA approved for treating melasma post inflammatory hyperpigmentation age spots solar lentigines actinic keratosia and vascular dyschromias
Fractional photothermolysis Non - ablative Thulium: glass laser