Gouda Abdalla Ramadan Gouda

Development and validation of A multiresidue method for the determination of pesticides in some medicinal and aromatic plants / تطوير واعتماد طريقة تحليل المتبقيات المتعددة لتقدير المبيدات فى بعض النباتات الطبية والعطرية Gouda Abdalla Ramadan Gouda ; Supervised Hany Mahmoud Ashour , Dalia Ahmed Barakat , Emad Ramadan Attallah - Cairo : Gouda Abdalla Ramadan Gouda , 2012 - 136P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Economic Entomology and Pesticides

The study was directed to compare between two extraction methods and four clean - up procedures for determination of pesticide residues in herbs by high - resolution gas chromatography with electron - capture and nitrogen phosphorus detection (HRGC-ECD\NPD ) was studied to choose the best one for validation . Also determination of pesticide residues at trace levels in exportation shipments of dry mint , chamomile and fennel during two successive years (January 2009 - December 2010)

Medicinal plants Pesticides Validation